Halle-Jena-Magdeburg - Das Deutsche Zentrum für Psychische Gesundheit

DZPG Partner Site


Research at the Halle-Jena-Magdeburg site will initially focus on the identification and modification of brain networks that could lead to or cause problematic social behavior due to processes in the brain's immune system, metabolic processes, or injuries. Another focus is networking with the German Center for Child and Adolescent Health, which is to be established.

The University Hospital Jena coordinates the Halle-Jena-Magdeburg partner site.

Site Spokesperson

Prof. Dr. Martin Walter
Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
University Hospital Jena
Philosophenweg 3
07743 Jena, Germany

Jena University Hospital, Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy (COORDINATION)


Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Faculty of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Institute of Psychology, Developmental Psychology


Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Faculty of Philosophy I, Institute of Psychology


Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg, Faculty of Medicine


Leibniz Institute for Neurobiology (LIN), Magdeburg


Prof. Dr. Julia Asbrand

Prof. Dr. Jutta Bleidorn

Prof. Dr. Ilona Croy

Prof. Dr. Joachim Denzler

Prof. Dr. Ildiko Dunay

Prof. Dr. Veronika Engert

Prof. Dr. Christian Gaser

Prof. Dr. Christian Geis

Prof. Dr. Ilse Denise Jacobsen

Prof. Dr. Florian Junne

Prof. Dr. Thomas Kamradt

Prof. Dr. Kertsin Krauel

Dr. Michael Kreutz

Prof. Dr. Kristine Krug

Prof. Dr. Volker Lessmann

Prof. Dr. Edwin Lim

Prof. Dr. Gabriele Meyer

Prof. Dr. Rafael Mikolajczyk

Prof. Dr. Thomas Nickl-Jockschat

Prof. Dr. Nils Opel

Prof. Dr. Mathias Pletz

Prof. Dr. Dr. Ronny Redlich

Prof. Dr. Stefan Remy

Prof. Dr. Magdalena Sauvage

Prof. Dr. Stefan R. Schweinberger

Prof. Dr. Oliver Speck

Prof. Dr. Johann Steiner

Prof. Dr. Oliver Stork

Prof. Dr. Bernhard Strauß

Prof. Dr. Oliver Tüscher

Prof. Dr. Markus Ullsperger

Prof. Dr. Martin Walter

Prof. Dr. Florian Zepf

All research projects at the partner site:
Research Projects