The German Center for Mental Health (DZPG) carries out research into new methods for the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of mental illnesses. The goal is to benefit people as quickly as possible.
27 research institutions at six locations in Germany pool their expertise. The research program was developed together with experts from the field, i.e. patients and relatives, and involves them in all phases of the research. The DZPG will focus on the early detection and prevention of mental illnesses, the establishment of joint organizational and research infrastructures, and the networking of the sites during its start-up phase (2023 to 2025).
Mental illness often begins in childhood and adolescence and affects millions of people. Treatment is often inadequate, resulting in great suffering for patients and their families. It also increases mortality and results in billions of dollars in annual economic costs. Although much has been learned about mental illness in recent decades, this knowledge is not sufficiently integrated into routine care. Available treatment is not equally effective for all patients, and their long-term effects have not been adequately studied. Greater scientific and research efforts are needed to develop more effective methods of prevention, diagnosis and treatment that meet the individual needs of people. There is an urgent need to improve the transfer of scientific knowledge into care, but also the transfer of knowledge from routine care back into science and the incorporation of empirical knowledge. This requires long-term structural funding.
In this context, the German government decided in 2018 to establish the German Center for Mental Health (DZPG) as part of the German Centers for Health Research. In 2021, six locations were selected in a competitive process and were able to present a joint research concept in 2022. On May 1, 2023, the establishment of the center began with the help of project funding. Long-term funding by the federal and state governments is planned for 2025 at the latest.