Berlin-Potsdam - Das Deutsche Zentrum für Psychische Gesundheit

DZPG Partner Site


Scientists at the Berlin-Potsdam site are working in the development phase to create models that show how biological, psychological, and social factors cause disease and influence risk. They are also investigating community health care. The projects focus particularly on the factors of poverty and social discrimination. Another priority is the establishment of infrastructures for clinical trials and participation and the initiation of related research activities.

Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin coordinates the Berlin-Potsdam partner site.

Site Spokesperson

Prof. Dr. Dr. Andreas Heinz
Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy CCM
Campus Charité Mitte
Charitéplatz 1 (Location address: Bonhoefferweg 3)
10117 Berlin, Germany

Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin (COORDINATION)


Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences II, Institute of Psychology, Psychotherapy and Somatopsychology


Freie Universität Berlin, Department of Education and Psychology, Clinical-Psychological Intervention Unit


University of Potsdam, Faculty of Human Sciences, Chair of Social and Preventive Medicine, Excellence Area Cognitive Sciences


German Institute of Human Nutrition Potsdam-Rehbrücke (DIfE)


Robert Koch Institute (RKI), Department of Epidemiology and Health Monitoring, Division of Mental Health


Prof. Dr. Malek Bajbouj

Prof. Dr. Andreas Bechdolf

Prof. Dr. Claudia Buß

Prof. Dr. Claudia Calvano

Dr. Caroline Cordes

Prof. Dr. Christoph Correll

Prof. Dr. Raymond Dolan

Prof. Dr. Dr. Katharina Domschke

Prof. Dr. Isabel Dziobek

Prof. Dr. Roland Eils

Prof. Dr. Matthias Endres

Prof. Dr. Sonja Entringer

Prof. Dr. Susanne Erk

PD Dr. Felix Fischer

Prof. Dr. Paul Gellert

Prof. Dr. Stefan Gold

Prof. Dr. Christine Heim

Prof. Dr. Dr. Andreas Heinz

Dr. Julian Hellmann-Regen

Prof. Dr. Ulrike Kluge

Prof. Dr. Christine Knaevelsrud

Prof. Dr. Gary Lewin

Prof. Dr. Shuyan Liu

Prof. Dr. Ulrike Lüken

Prof. Dr. Christian Otte

Prof. Dr. Soyoung Park

Prof. Dr. Dr. Michael Rapp

Prof. Dr. Babette Renneberg

Prof. Dr. Stephan Ripke

Prof. Dr. Matthias Rose

Prof. Dr. Liane Schenk

Prof. Dr. Meryam Schouler-Ocak

Prof. Dr. Gunter Schumann

Prof. Dr. Peter Uhlhaas

Prof. Dr. Dr. Henrik Walter

Prof. Dr. Katja Wingenfeld

Prof. Dr. Sibylle Winter

All research projects at the partner site:
Research Projects