Infrastructures - Das Deutsche Zentrum für Psychische Gesundheit

Research Infrastructures


In order to successfully implement the ambitious research program, the DZPG will invest in state-of-the-art digital research technologies and create a number of joint research infrastructures.

The DZPG plans to establish a network for biobanks, genetic and biological analyses (omics) and bioinformatics. This network will develop standardized methods for the collection, processing, storage and retrieval of samples, the recording of data and the execution of bioinformatic analyses.

The infrastructure is operated by a team of experts in digital mental health and provides support to all partner sites in the use of digital health applications and research approaches.

A central IT platform will enable the pooling and coordination of research data from different projects and institutions. This will improve collaboration, ensure data quality, and facilitate knowledge sharing.

This infrastructure will make it possible to digitally collect large amounts of data under routine clinical conditions and to develop and test new psychosocial treatments under controlled research conditions.

At the heart of this infrastructure is a continuously updated database of scientifically based treatments for preschools, schools, families, and clinical settings. This database will serve as the basis for the development of a framework to ensure the successful application of treatments and programs in preschool, school, and clinical practice.

This infrastructure will bring together experts from different disciplines to develop cell and animal models. These models will help to better understand human mental health and conduct personalized studies on topics such as mental health, resilience, and recovery. They will also help in the development and application of new treatments, for example, to study how the nervous and immune systems interact in mental illness.

The infrastructure will provide methods and data in the field of neuromodulation, enabling researchers to carry out new investigations and verify the results of different studies. It will also promote the development and rapid implementation of new brain stimulation methods at different sites. In addition, the infrastructure will provide high-quality data to compare these new methods with real-world applications.

The infrastructure will focus on harmonizing data collection and study design for the recruitment of new study participants across partner sites.

The infrastructure will develop and update imaging guidelines and collaborate with other consortia (e.g. ENIGMA) to integrate the DZPG into large-scale imaging research projects.

The infrastructure will establish a large study network that will standardize and develop administrative aspects and methods to find participants for large studies more efficiently. In addition, the infrastructure will establish a recruitment and follow-up interface between clinical and epidemiological studies to ensure that the selected study participants are a representative sample and include individuals who are normally difficult to reach, such as members of minority groups.

The Center for Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) supports collaboration between laypeople and scientists at the DZPG, develops tools for participatory research, and investigates which research topics are important to patients, their families, and the public. ("What to research").

More on the topic of participation in the DZPG.

The DZPG Academy offers continuing education opportunities, and personal mentoring for early-career scientists, and promotes equality and diversity in research and education.

More about the DZPG Academy.

The effective implementation of the complex research program by the participating institutions and researchers is made possible by foldercase, a platform for collaborative research and research management.