Psychological help for Ukrainian refugees - Das Deutsche Zentrum für Psychische Gesundheit

Psychological help for Ukrainian refugees

How can digital communication campaigns help refugees from Ukraine become aware of psychiatric and psychotherapeutic services? This is the subject of a study at the Central Institute of Mental Health (ZI) in Mannheim, which the DZPG also supports.

Many refugees from Ukraine have a high level of psychological distress, yet only a few seek professional help in Germany. According to initial studies, there are various reasons, such as language barriers and insufficient information about treatment options in Germany. However, cultural and historical fears, myths and reservations - so-called stigmas - can also prevent people from seeking professional support.

A study at the ZI in Mannheim aims to use an information campaign on Telegram to reduce stigma in the field of mental health and spread knowledge about the German healthcare system and mental healthcare options. In addition, a Germany-wide hotline will advise Ukrainians in Ukrainian or Russian and help them find treatment options in their area in their native language.

The researchers want to determine which messages and contact methods are most effective for their hotline and how information can best be disseminated in the Ukrainian community. The insights gained will provide a basis for tailoring future services to the needs of Ukrainians or other migrant communities.

In addition to the DZPG, the Ukrainian Embassy in Germany, the Ukrainian Medical Association in Germany (UÄVD e.V.) and the National Programme for Mental Health in Ukraine "How are you?" support the study.

Further information on participation, the course of the study and contact details can be found at ZI Mannheim.

The Ukrainian and Russian-language hotline with trained staff is intended to make it easier for Ukrainian refugees to access psychiatric and psychotherapeutic treatment services. Picture: © ZI