Participation opportunities - Das Deutsche Zentrum für Psychische Gesundheit



When patients and their families are actively involved in the research process, everyone benefits. The DZPG has various committees for this purpose.

Center for Patient and Public Involvement (PPI)

The Center for PPI supports the active participation of experts by experience in the relevant local and central decision-making bodies. At the six partner sites, representatives have been appointed who, above all, coordinate the work of the local Trialogical Partner Site Boards on site, act as contact persons for participatory research, and ensure the quality of the participatory elements of the DZPG projects. In addition, a cross-site coordination office supports the work of the Central Trialogical Board.


Silke Lipinski

Trialogical Partner Site Board

Each DZPG site has a Trialogical Partner Site Board that meets regularly, either virtually or in person. In this committee, patients, families, and researchers exchange ideas, prepare topics, and organize meetings, projects, and other opportunities for participation.

If you are interested in joining a local Trialogical Partner Site Board, please get in touch with the relevant coordinators:

Berlin-Potsdam site: Silke Lipinski –
Bochum-Marburg site: Christina Totzeck –
Halle-Jena-Magdeburg site: Katja Lind –
Mannheim-Heidelberg-Ulm site: Sina Klein –
Munich-Augsburg site: Armin Kauf –
Tübingen site: Ulrike Sünkel –

Central Trialogical Board

The Central Trialogical Board consists of up to two patient representatives, relatives, and researchers per partner site and comprises a maximum of 36 people in total. This Board has been involved in the development of the DZPG concept from the very beginning and participates in all infrastructures, research projects, and working groups.

The Central Trialogical Board aims to shape the path to mental health in a patient-oriented and patient-sensitive way, to overcome the stigmatization of mental disorders, and to promote the participation of those affected. Access and care in the field of mental health should be specifically facilitated and improved. If new insights into early diagnosis and treatment are brought into the lives of people with mental disorders and their families, their lives can be significantly improved.


Maria Haun

Participation in studies

Even if you are not a member of one of the local Trialogical Partner Site Boards, you can still participate in DZPG projects.

Get involved!
Current projects